The theme of the 2022 Bergen Summer Research School was “Understanding and addressing inequality”. During our interdisciplinary sessions, we collaborated with UNICEF.

The challenge for our participants was to envision policies to address individual citizens, institutional managers, national politicians and private sector executives – bringing together material and immaterial resources that must be recognized and covered to give every person the possibility of living up to their potential, starting with a satisfaction of their basic needs.

These policies were to be formulated in the form of a policy brief. Specifically, participants were asked to shape policy recommendations that

  • Embrace each dimension (individual, family, society, planet);
  • Allow a gradual implementation by international organisations (i.e.UNICEF);
  • Are underpinned by the understanding that individual wellbeing is the cause and consequence of collective wellbeing.

The entire summer school was held online, and so were our interactive sessions. For the hands-on experience with systems mapping, this meant, for example, that we had to recruit 10 facilitators who conducted online mapping sessions with some 10 participants each. Here are some sample maps that were created during these sessions.

Burcu Eke-Schneider presented the document titled “Gender, Justice and Environmental Crises” as a part of the event.

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