Science to Practice

Peace Garden

The Peace Garden, launched in 2020 in Wuppertal, promotes peace through community engagement and sustainable urban gardening. It fosters collaboration among diverse groups, focusing on inclusivity, respect, and environmental awareness. Despite pandemic challenges, the garden thrived, symbolizing grassroots efforts in peacebuilding and collective action for a just, sustainable future.

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Peace Road

Peace Walk multiplies peace knowledge within communities with needs-based approach. During walk we listen to nature and people.We also know that Green Spaces can provide mental health benefts and lower the risk of psychiatric disorders. Transformative Peacebuilding programme highlights the need to transform humankind’s relationship with nature and each other.

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Bread Dialogue

Bread Dialogue is a creative peacebuilding idea that uses the act of baking bread as a symbol of unity and community. It brings people together from diverse backgrounds to share stories, experiences, and traditions while working collaboratively. This simple, yet profound, approach fosters understanding, solidarity, and peaceful coexistence.

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The Peacebuilding Workshops, part of Transformationstandem Wuppertal 2023, brought together diverse voices to explore the intersection of art, culture, and sustainability. Participants collaborated on creative solutions to global challenges like climate change, using art as a transformative tool. These workshops in a neutral space promoted dialogue, inclusivity, and collective action for a just future.

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