Urban Peace2024-10-01T12:59:53+00:00 Tag des guten Lebens / The Day of the Good Life Wuppertal 2021Festivals & Artistic Works
Urban Peace2022-12-04T10:09:36+00:00 Think7: Micro-level Peacebuilding Methods for a Just and Sustainable Urban Transformation ProcessScientific Works
Urban Peace2022-12-04T10:09:54+00:00 Bergen Summer Research School 2022: Gender, Justice and Environmental CrisesScientific Works
Urban Peace2022-12-04T10:10:25+00:00 An experimental and Transformative Tool for a Just and Sustainable Urban TransitionScientific Works
Urban Peace2023-09-11T08:36:43+00:00 Urban-Dialogue: Free Flow Knowledge w/Dr. Ulrike SchraderScientific Works
Urban Peace2022-12-04T10:11:18+00:00 Workshop “Sustainability and Interreligious Dialogue“Scientific Works